Harnessing C++ and MPI to Craft Interstellar's Black Hole Visions.​
Beyond Aesthetics to Authenticity: While our renderer may not capture every cinematic nuance, it’s firmly rooted in the complex physics that govern black holes. Drawing inspiration from Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar, this tool is a testament to the technical prowess of C++ combined with the parallel might of MPI. A union of art and science, where technical achievement takes center stage.
StringScape VR: Navigating Cosmic Collisions and Black Hole Births
Originally showcased during the open days at King’s College London, StringScape VR is more than just a game—it’s an immersive learning experience. Piloting the LISA spacecraft, you’ll traverse a universe shaped by real cosmic simulations, witnessing the drama of collapsing cosmic strings and the birth of black holes. Merging authentic data with artistic vision, this virtual journey not only captivated attendees but also inspired an innovative astrophysics class at King’s College. Step into a VR realm where education meets exploration, and science comes alive.
Learning how to use GRChombo using docker based tutorial (more info here)

This was a tutorial made for the NR Community Summer School at Brown University. Here is the extended description to get started with docker.

Generating fake galaxies using diffusion models

This project delves into the fascinating realm of creating artificial galaxies using diffusion networks. We harnessed an accessible galaxy dataset as the foundation for our exploration. The core of our experiment was a uniquely crafted diffusion model, meticulously trained on a powerful A100 graphics card. Our primary objective was to decode and learn the intricate pixel distribution patterns of night skies. The ultimate aim? To apply this knowledge for enhancing astrophotography images by correcting potential defects.

Want to know more: chat with an LLM

Incoming, LLM should have local knowledge using embeddings.